IEEF INER Prof. Dr. Rötzer e.V.
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Thursday, October 6th 2011

19:00Arrival, check in of FEDRA team members
21:15 FEDRA Workshop - Session 1
Friday, October 7th 2011

09:00FEDRA Workshop - Session 2
13:00 Lunch
14:30FEDRA Workshop - Session 3
19:00Arrival, check in of IEEF members and friends
21:15 IEEF Meeting
Short presentations of all IEEF members and freinds present in the meeting
highlights on a specific activity (to be agreed in advance) (5' each + 10' if agreed)
Saturday, October 8th, 2011
9:00IEEF Meeting
Agenda will be posted later
13:00 Lunch
Joint Session with 2 keynote speeches (with translation in English and Italian)
14:30 Languages of the body and languages of love (Linguaggi del Corpo e Linguaggi dell'Amore) (45').
Prof. Jose Grenados (Vice President Inst. GPII)
15:15 Debate and interactive session (60' - please read Chap. 1, 2 and 3 of Prof. Grenados' book "Called to love" and prepare questions in advance) if possible, we will distribute electronic copies of the book that is available in Es, It, En).
16:15 Coffee Break
16:45 New Comminication means, technologies and strategies (45')
Prof. Luca Botturi
17:30 Debate and interactive session
20:30 General Assembly (Preliminary Agenda)
  1. President's report
  2. Treasurer's report
  3. Acceptance of new Members (Ukraina)
  4. FEDRA report
  5. Milan World Family Congress
  6. TTC accreditation procedure approval
  7. Next GA date and venue (e.g. in Milan in parallel with Family Congress)

Sunday, October 9th 2011

9:00 IEEF Meeting Part II
Usage of the IEEF Web site - Interactive Session
Sigrun Ohme-Peters
Click here for print version of the program

(If you wish to include any further items, please contact the board before August 31st:

IEEF / EIFLE, Carrer Josep Maria Sert 20, Sant Cugat del Valles 08173, Spain