1.Scientific Sessions on Saturday, June, 26th, 2004 |
Anthropological and Philosophical Aspects of NFP |
Session I: | European NFP and Family life education teaching programmes Chairmen: C.Norman, P.Hernelsteen |
9.00 | Key lecture: Family life education
Beatrice Lassallette |
9.30 | Cycle Show – A new concept for sexual education of young girls
Tatjana Barras-Kubski |
9.50 | From Theory to Practice – How the Evaluation has influenced the new German NFP Teacher Training Curriculum Petra Klann-Heinen
10.10 | Coffee break
Session II: | New aspects of Reproductive Endocrinology important for NFP NFP Chairmen: M.Menarguez, R.Ecochard
10.40 | Key lecture:
New Aspects of Reproductive Endocrinology Dr. Christian Gnoth
11.10 | NFP meets gynaecological endocrinology – first results and case reports reports...... from a pilot study at the University of Heidelberg Dr. Petra Frank-Herrmann
11.30 | Natural fertility and the management of infertility Dr. Christian Gnoth
Session III: |
New Technologies and NFP computer programmes,
new NFP methods Chairmen: A. Devos, U.Sottong |
11.50 | Key lecture:
New Technologies, NFP computer programs and new methods
Prof. Dr. G. Freundl |
12.20 | The Two Day Method: A new, effective natural family planning option Dr. Marcos Arevalo
12.40 | Safety, efficacy and length of abstinent period in fertility computers and the sympto-thermal method
Dr. Peter Kern |
13.00 | CLER on-line A.Archambault
13.20 | Intervention : How a good abstract for a scientific presentation has to be structured
Members of the scientific committee |
13.40 | Lunch time
Session IV: | Cervical mucus / sperm interaction /new research projects and and further topics
Chairmen: E.Coll, M.Guy, E.Svedas |
14.40 | Keylecture:
Markers of fertility and their scientific reability Prof. Dr. R.Ecochard |
15.00 | Study of cervical mucus under scanning electron mycroscopy Dr. M. Menarguez
15.20 | Family Planning by Means of Breastfeeding: factors which influence its duration
Dr. Egle Markuniene |
15.40 | The Integration of Fertility Awareness Programmes into Women’s
Health Service Dr. Ursula Sottong |
16.00 | Emergency contraception
Dr. Andres Devos |
16.20 | Coffee break
Session V: | NFP Education and Outreach: public-private partnership; NFP in schools/universities
Chairmen: H.Goszczinska, M.Aravelo |
16.50 | Key lecture:
NFP in Lithuania. Historical and sociological perspective. Nijole Liobikiene |
17.10 | Teaching NFP at the university. Our experience in Spain E. Coll
17.30 | Teaching of fertility awareness methods on nursing and midwifery courses in the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University School of Medicine in Lublin – beginning, present state, future
Dr. Edyta Galeziowska |
17.50 | NFP – quo vadis? Attemp at a definition of the present situation and future outlook.
Dr. Siegfried Baur |
18.10 | End of session
Session VI: | Family Life Education: psychological/sociological aspects of NFP;
couple relationships; youth education of sexuality and values Chairmen: T.Fekete, G.Vaitoska
14.40 | Keylecture:
Integrity and/or Convenience? Psychological dimensions of the NFP-experience Martos Tamas |
15.10 | NFP and quality of married life: challenges and directions for future research
Karel D. Skocovsky |
15. 30 | Moral and Anthropological Difference between Periodic Continence and Contraception
Agne Sirinskiene |
15.50 | The knowledge of NFP methods in chosen group of engaged couples
A.Deluga |
16.20 | Coffee break Chairmen: F.Pinguet, K.Tuerk
16.50 | You and me, a wonder! M.Raick-van Egten
17.10 | Overall marital satisfaction, sexuality and religiosity in users of the sympto- thermal method of NFP: preliminary results Karel D. Skocovsky
17.30 | Fertility awareness a way of life
A. Saulauskiene |
17.50 | Family planning and informed consent
P.Hernelsteen |
18.10 | End of session
Session VII: | Laboratory investigation. Modifications of sympto-thermal method
Chairmen: P.Frank – Hermann, P.Kern |
16.50 | CAMEN Simptotermal Method: a real possibility to offer two choices,
for spacers and limiters, to identify the fertile window. M.Barbato |
17.10 | How to help women in premenopausal time, using specific CAMEN Sympto-thermal method charting.
M.Barbato |
17.30 | Oral contraceptives and women’s cardiovascular health
Dr. E.Svedas |
17.50 | Urinary LH detection reduces the abstinence period in Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Ml. Curriá? (do not have guaranties, that lecturer will come) |
18.10 | End of session